COVId-19 information & resources
Alexander School Department COVID Health & Safety Guidelines for SY 21-22 - use this link to view the school department's plan for COVID-19 response and mitigation including information on close contact tracing, when/how long to quarantine from school, and how to respond to general illnesses during the school year. As guidance from the State changes, our plans are updated as well. Check back periodically to ensure you have the latest information.
Pooled Testing - pooled testing program at Alexander Elementary has been discontinued as of June 2022.
Quarantine & Isolation - from the US CDC.
COVID-19 FAQ's - from the Maine CDC
Maine Department of Education COVID Standard Operating Procedures - use this link to view information on the Maine DOE's procedures for COVID-19 response in K-12 schools.
Maine CDC Travel Restrictions & Information - use this link for information on travel restrictions and information related to travel and COVID-19. Note: the Alexander School Department will follow Maine CDC guidelines for travel and COVID-19.
US CDC COVID-19 Information - use this link to find information on COVID-19 from the US CDC.