hybrid learning model
The Hybrid Learning model refers to a mixture of both in-person and remote learning. Where students are learning in-person some days and remotely on others - reducing the population of in-person classes on any one given day.
All of the required safety measures by the Maine Department of Education for in-person learning would still apply to this model - including face masks and physical distancing.
Hybrid Schedule
The following schedule reflects a school week in the hybrid model scenario:
Monday - Group A in-person / Group B remote
Tuesday - Group B in-person / Group A remote
Wednesday - All students remote
Thursday - Group A in-person / Group B remote
Friday - Group B in-person / Group A remote
To alleviate the amount of time students are required to wear masks, increase cleaning and sanitation capabilities, and allow for staff preparation and professional development, a modified student day schedule is shown below for in-person learning days during Hybrid.
In-Person Learning Day during a Hybrid Model
8:00 - 8:15 AM Breakfast
8:15 - 9:15 AM Instruction in Classrooms
9:15 - 9:30 AM Break
9:30 - 10:30 AM Instruction in Classrooms
10:30-10:45 AM Break
10:45 - 11:45 PM Instruction in Classrooms
11:45 - 12:15 PM Lunch
12:15 - 1:30 PM Instruction in Classrooms
1:30 PM Dismissal
All of the required safety measures by the Maine Department of Education for in-person learning would still apply to this model - including face masks and physical distancing.
- Students will be seated to achieve a physical distance of 6 ft in their learning space to the greatest extent possible, with a minimum of 3 ft allowed between and among students.
- Sharing of supplies will be minimalized: students will have their own desks, learning materials, and supplies.
- To ease the burden of wearing masks for long periods of time, and in addition to regularly scheduled break times, frequent mask breaks will be scheduled throughout the day for students to be able to remove their masks. Students must be distanced at a minimum 6 ft apart when removing masks for breaks. Outside areas will be utilized whenever possible.
- Students in grades 4-8, who have historically changed locations for their regular instruction, will remain in one area with their homeroom group. Instead, teachers will travel to deliver instruction.
- Homeroom grouping for grades 4-8 will be the following: Grades 4/5/6 and Grades 7/8
- Outside areas may be utilized whenever possible for instruction. Due to the nature of instruction - including prolonged proximity and talking to and amongst one another, masks and distancing requirements still apply while outside for instruction.
Hybrid Schedule
- Students will be put into one of two cohorts (groups).
- Scheduling siblings into the same cohorts may not always be feasible, however, consideration will be given to the greatest extent possible.
- One day per week is designated as a full remote day for all students - to allow the building to be cleaned thoroughly.
- Teachers will maintain online office hours on the full remote day to continue distance learning and to support students.
The following schedule reflects a school week in the hybrid model scenario:
Monday - Group A in-person / Group B remote
Tuesday - Group B in-person / Group A remote
Wednesday - All students remote
Thursday - Group A in-person / Group B remote
Friday - Group B in-person / Group A remote
To alleviate the amount of time students are required to wear masks, increase cleaning and sanitation capabilities, and allow for staff preparation and professional development, a modified student day schedule is shown below for in-person learning days during Hybrid.
In-Person Learning Day during a Hybrid Model
8:00 - 8:15 AM Breakfast
8:15 - 9:15 AM Instruction in Classrooms
9:15 - 9:30 AM Break
9:30 - 10:30 AM Instruction in Classrooms
10:30-10:45 AM Break
10:45 - 11:45 PM Instruction in Classrooms
11:45 - 12:15 PM Lunch
12:15 - 1:30 PM Instruction in Classrooms
1:30 PM Dismissal
- The school department's Reopening Plan.